Palm OS applications -> tIRC
Frequently Asked Questions

Tamoggemon Software
Buergerspitalgasse 29/31
A-1060 Vienna/Austria

Tamoggemon Software -> Palm OS -> tIRC

The following questions have frequently been asked about tIRC. Please look at them carefully - if your question is already answered here, you can save a bit of time! It sometimes takes us up to 12 hours to respond to an email, so reading these can save you a bit of time :):

I am new to IRC. Can you suggest a server?
Tamoggemon does not want to get into the business of IRC servers - we are equally supportive of all IRC servers and IRC providers on the market.

Please! Can't you suggest a server?
Darn. Try!

tIRC hangs when connecting to a server!
Some servers don't support clients connecting to them via GSM/CDMA networks for various reasons. Please get in touch with the server operator for further information or just switch to another server.

If I purchase tIRC, can I use it forever?
Yes! Furthermore, you will receive free support and upgrades!